Songs to Keep: Treasures of an Adirondack Folk Collector-with Dan Berggren



Songs to Keep: Treasures of an Adirondack Folk Collector-with Dan Berggren

Boathouse Theatre : 20 Dock St., Schroon Lake, NY  12870

7pm - 9pm

In the 1940s – ’60s, Marjorie Lansing Porter tirelessly recorded folk songs that were on the brink of disappearing throughout New York’s Adirondack Mountains. Now, contemporary musicians honor her collection by re-recording these traditional tunes. Their efforts invite you to uncover the legacy of Adirondack miners, loggers, and other folks who lived a hundred years ago, and created a treasure chest of Songs to Keep. In honor of our 50 years of Live music on Schroon Lake, the Arts Council is honored to present a special showing of this award-winning PBS documentary featuring many of the artists who helped create “Adirondack” style.  Following the showing, Dan Berggren, legendary musician/ singer/songwriter and historian of Adirondack lore, will guide discussions and play some songs.  Don’t miss this very special event — all FREE FREE FREE!!!

Poster Dan Berggren


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